November 17, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Assalomu alaykum,

Today we learn example sentences with keywords "yesterday" - "kecha", "today" - "bugun" and "tomorrow" - "erta" in Uzbek language.

Transcript of the Audio:

ThirteenO'n uch
Yesterday, today, tomorrow Kecha, bugun, erta
Yesterday was Saturday Kecha Shanba edi
I was at the cinema yesterday Men kecha kinoteatrda edim
The film was interesting Kino qiziqarli edi
Today is Sunday Bugun Yakshanba
I am not working today Men bugun ishlamayapman
I am staying at home Men uyda turibman
Tomorrow is Monday Erta Dushanba
Tomorrow I will work again Men erta yana ishlayman
I work at an office Men muassasada ishlayman

November 3, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Days of the week

Assalomu alaykum,

Today, we learn Days of the week in Uzbek language.

Hafta is the word came from Persian in Uzbek language (haft - yetti) unit for seven days. Work week starts with Monday, first day of the week in Uzbekistan - Dushanba, but translation from Persian would be (Du - ikki - two) which is second day of the week. At the same time translation of (Sunday)

October 27, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Time

Assalomu alaykum!

Today, we learn Time in Uzbek language with next episode - 11 from Uzbek audio lessons.

Don't forget to subscribe and follow us with social links on top of right sidebar →
To subscribe and download episodes through iTunes, you can download free iTunes software and search for "Learn Uzbek Language" from iTunes Store and find podcast section, click subscribe! You can play or download from there or from this blog.
I have also mentioned that each mp3 file has lyrics embedded, so you should be able to see transcript while listening. Please let me know if you don't see text from chosen media player. I hope majority audio/media player shows lyrics by default. You can now learn and study Uzbek offline, I have added PDF file at the end of this lesson so you can download and study and print the lesson.

October 21, 2013

O'zbek tili haqida - About Uzbek Language

Today is special day for Uzbek language (O'zbek tili). In year 1989, 21st October, Uzbek language become official language of Uzbekistan. And new era for development of the Uzbek language started.

Turkic speakers have probably settled in the Amu-Darya, Syr-Darya and Zeravshan river basins since at least AD 600–700, gradually ousting or assimilating the speakers of Eastern Iranian languages who previously inhabited Soghdiana, Bactria and Chorasmia. The first Turkic dynasty in the region was that of the Karakhanids in the 9th–12th centuries AD, who were a confederation of Karluks (Qarluq), Chigil, Yaghma and other tribes. Uzbek can be considered the direct descendant or a latter form of Chagatay, the language of great Turkic Central Asian literary development in the realm of Chagatai Khan, Timur (Tamerlane), and the Timurids (including the early Mughal rulers of India).

October 19, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Numbers

Assalomu alaykum,

Today, We continue our audio lessons series with episode 10 - Numbers in Uzbek. Some notes before we start lesson.

You might already seen, I have updated some lessons that has audio embedded from Soundcloud. Instead of using another service which makes audio posting bit complex and time consuming. I decided to stay simple and attach audio in a post with HTML5, if your browser doesn't support it then will play audio with Flash player. Another reason is that limit on Soundcloud, 2 hours which will run out sooner or later. Although, I like Soundcloud service, they have limited features for free accounts.

October 13, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Reading and Writing

Assalomu alaykum,

Today we continue our audio lessons series with episode 9, titled "Reading and Writing" in Uzbek.

The Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved at the Eighth Extraordinary Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on November 18, 1991. The State flag and its symbols portray the historical links with states which have existed in the past within the borders of modern Uzbekistan and embodies in itself the national and cultural traditions of the republic.

October 7, 2013

Introduce yourself in Uzbek [Special request]

Assalomu alaykum,

Today we learn how to introduce ourselves in Uzbek language.This is a special request lesson from the Uzbek language learner and reader!
Greeting plays most important role to make a first impression. And get to know other individuals.
"In Uzbek culture it is polite that younger person initiates
the greeting. When Uzbek men start greeting, they place their right hand over their heart and bow slightly forward about a second. If they are close to one another to shake a hands, place your left hand over your heart and shake hands.

September 21, 2013

Uzbek grammar lessons - Adjectives 3

Assalomu alaykum,

This is part 3 of Adjectives in Uzbek language. If you have not reviewed previous lessons about Adjectives in Uzbek, please follow part 1 and part 2 grammar lessons.
"Did you know? During XV - XVI centuries the Great Silk Road passed through cities Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shash (Tashkent) and Fergana valley of Uzbekistan, trading horses, carpets, linen and woolen fabrics, semiprecious stones."
- advantour

September 12, 2013

Welcome to Guest Posts (Mehmonimiz bo'ling)

Assalomu alaykum,

In this series of the posts, we invite everyone to be our guest (Mehmonimiz bo'ling!). By being our guest, you are allowed to publish your own Uzbek culture and Language related content.
become guest uzbek language, mehmonimin bo'ling o'zbek tili

Are you student, who is learning Uzbek language and want to share your experience?
Are you teacher, who is teaching Uzbek locally?
Are you native Uzbek, who wants to contribute?
Are you traveler, who has traveled or plan to travel Uzbekistan?

Come and join us, share your thoughts to number of readers. We have readers from

United States





South Korea


Saudi Arabia


United Kingdom

and 57 other countries. That's really amazing, isn't it!

THANK YOU for everyone, for visiting us!!!
"Did you know? Prior 1922, Uzbek was written in Latin script, but after Sovet Union invasion, it was changed to Cyrillic script until 1991. Now Uzbek is officially written in Latin again."
Now, in order to publish your content, please go to the Become Guest page from menu or use this link. Using this form you can quickly submit your post. What happens next is that we get notified about new content and all we have to do, is to check formatting and click "publish" button.

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And don't forget to click Submit button, if every thing works alright, we will contact you soon after and publish content within days.

If you have any questions, please contact us

We have number of planned Uzbek guests! Stay in touch!

Ko'rishguncha! See you!

September 7, 2013

Uzbek Story: How fox made fool of lion!

Assalomu alaykum,

Today's Uzbek lesson is for advanced and intermediate language level students. But I hope beginners will also learn some vocabulary. Story/tale is about "how fox made fool of lion".
"Did you know? O'zbek means independent or the lord itself (O'ziga bek), from O'z (self) and Bek/Bey/Beg (noble)."
- Wikipedia
Note that there will not be translated version of the story, please listen and try to understand meaning of the story. First please read the story and then listen, then listen and read, at the end we will have some vocabulary. Good luck!

Tulkining sherni laqillatgani. (How fox made fool of lion.)

Bir kuni tulki kechki payt qorni ochganini sezib, uyasidan chiqibtida, yegulik biror narsa topish uchun o'rmonga yo'l olibdi. Rosa charchab tinka madori quriguncha yuribdi. Lekin arzigulik biron nima topolmabdi.

Tulki kechadan beri tuz totmaganini eslab, mazali ovqatlardan benasib qilgan sherdan xafa bo'libdi. Kuni kecha u o'rmonga yaqin bir qishloqqa kirib borib bir g'ozni xalqumidan endi tishlab olib, qochmoqchi bo'lib turganida, to'satdan sherni o'kirganini eshitib qolgan ekan. Shunda tulki g'ozni tashlab qochib qolgan ekan. Agar o'sha sher bolmaganida mazza qilib ovqatlangan bo'larkan. G'azab tulkini aql xushini olib qo'yibdi.

U yo'lni ham pisand qilmay ketayotgan ekan, to'satdan, oldidan sher chiqib qolibdi. Tulki qo'rqib ketibdi. Vujudini titroq bosibdi. Lekin shunday bo'lsa ham o'zini bosib
-"Hoy sher, tezroq qochib qol hozir bo'ron ko'tariladi", debdi.
-"Men juda og'irman uncha buncha bo'ron menga pisand emas", debdi sher.
-"Qanday qilasan axir shamol juda qattiq bo'ladiku"
-"Yerga yotib olaman"
-"Bu tadbiring yordam bermaydi. Seni bo'ron uchirib ketadi"
-"Men daraxtga mahkam yopishib olaman"
-"Shamol beto'xtov ber necha kun davom etadi. Shuncha kungacha daraxtni quchoqlab tura olmaysanku axir"
Shunda sherni o'takasi yorilib,
-"Unday bo'lsa ayt nima qilay", deb o'kiribdi.
-"Kel men seni daraxtga bog'lab qo'yaman. Shunda har qanday shamol ham senga bexavotir bo'ladi", debdi tulki.
-"Voy, ajoyib fikr"!
rozi bo'libdi sher. Tulki sherni daraxtga bog'labtida o'zi sal naridagi qamishzorga kirib o'tiribdi.
-"Nega endi sen bo'rondan saqlanish uchun bironta panaroq joy qidirmayapsan", deb so'rabdi sher.
-"Hmmm, nega desang hech qanaqa bo'ron bo'lmaydi", xotirjam javob beribdi tulki.
Sherni g'azabiga qaynab ketib qattiq bo'kiribti. Shu zahoti har xil hayvonlar yig'ilib kelishibdi. Ular daraxtga bog'lab qo'yilgan sherni va uni yonida xotirjam o'tirgan tulkini ko'rib hayron bo'lishibdida bu voqeaning tafsilotini so'rashibdi.
-"Kecha kechqurun ovqatdan benasib qilgani uchun uni men bog'lab qo'ydim. Bu voqea hammangizga ibrat bo'lishi kerak. U kuchsizlarga hamla qilishdan o'zini tiysin", deya tushuntira ketibdi tulki.
Shunday qilib tulki ularni oldidan viqor bilan qaddini g'oz tutib hech kimni pisand qilmay o'tib boribdi. Hamma hayvonlar undan qo'rqanlaridan ehtirom bilan ta'zim qilib kuzatib qolibdilar.

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the channel.
Audio is taken from ziyouz website. Some rights reserved.

Vocabulary list
tulki fox
sher lion
g'oz goose
ovqat meal/food
yegulik food
mazali delicious
benasib deprived of
o'rmon wood/forest
qishloq village
to'satdan suddenly
o'kirmoq bark/howl
qochib qolmoq run away
g'azab anger/fury
pisand qilmoq disregard/ignore
bo'ron storm
og'ir heavy
shamol wind
yer ground
tadbir course of action
daraxt tree
beto'xtov nonstop
quchoqlamoq hug
bog'lamoq bind/fasten
qamishzor reeded field
tafsilot detailed explanation
ibrat example, lesson
viqor dignity, proud
ehtirom respect
ta'zim bow

Please let me know if you have questions! If necessary we can translate the text in later lessons. I hope you understand the meaning of the story. Don't hesitate to ask, any vocabulary questions as well.

I hope you enjoy the lesson!

Ko'rishguncha! (see you)

Uzbek Story: How fox made fool of lion!
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on September 07 2013
Rating: 5

September 4, 2013

Quiz: Uzbek Adjectives, part 2

Assalomu alaykum,

Here is the quiz for Uzbek Adjectives part 2. Please review lesson before you start this quiz.
uzbek adjectives, quiz in uzbek adjectives

Try until you get 100% correct answers... Good luck!

  1. I am wearing a blue dress. - Men _______ ko'ylak kiyayapman.
  2. oqko'kyashilqora

  3. I am buying a brown bag. - Men ________ sumka sotib olyapman.
  4. yashilko'kjigarqora

  5. I need a new car. - Men ______ avtomobilga muhtojman.
  6. eskitez-yurarshinamyangi

  7. Curious lady lives below. - _________ ayol pastda yashaydi.
  8. QiziqqonQariChiroyliQiziqarli

  9. Our guests were polite people. - Mehmonlarimiz _________ kishilar edi.
  10. yaxshiodoblixushmuomala

  11. I have lovely children. - Mening ___________ bolalarim bor.
  12. sevimlisho'xodobli

  13. I want comfortable car. - Men _______ avtomobil xohlayman.
  14. yangishinamtez-yurar

  15. I am buying a black bag. - Men _______ sumka sotib olyapman.
  16. qoraoqko'k

  17. I am buying red dress. - Men _______ ko'ylak sotib olyapman.
  18. jigaroqqizilyashil

  19. well-behaved children - _________ bolalar
  20. odoblisho'xqo'polsevimli

Let me know if you have any quesionts!

See you soon! Tez orada ko'rishguncha!

Quiz: Uzbek Adjectives, part 2
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on September 04 2013
Rating: 4.6

August 30, 2013

Uzbek grammar lessons - Adjectives 2

Assalomu alaykum,

Like in English language we have also comparative adjectives in Uzbek language.
Comparative adjectivesSifat darajalari.

In Uzbek we have following similar types:

⑴ oddiy daraja - normal form or regular adjectives
⑵ orttirma daraja - superlative form of adjectives 
⑶ qiyosiy daraja - comparative adjectives 

⑴ This type of adjective does not have any suffixes and known to be core (base) of adjectives. 

Examples: yashil (green), yumshoq (soft), sariq (yellow), yengil (light [weight]), qattiq (hard), qisqa (short).

⑵  This type describe very high or low quantity of the objects or subjects. And usually made by adding following words front of the adjectives: juda (very), juda ham (greatly), g'oyat (extremely), g'oyatda, nihoyatda, eng, hammadan. (similar exaggerate words)

Examples: juda og'ir (very heavy), juda ham qattiq (greatly hard), g'oyat go'zal (extremely beautiful), g'oyatda bema'ni (truly nonsense), nihoyatda uzoq (very far), eng kuchli (greatly strong). 

⑶ This type of adjectives created by adding "-roq" to the base of adjectives and describe comparative quantity of the objects or subjects. 

Examples: qoraroq (blacker), uzunroq (longer), qattiqroq (harder), aqlliroq (smarter), torroq (narrower).

Besides above types there are another 2 form of adjectives in Uzbek. Namely,  Weaken (Ozaytirma) and Strengthen (Kuchaytirma) adjectives (sifatlar). 

1. Weaken adjectives describe less or light marks of the objects and subjects.

Examples: oq (white) - oqish (whitish), qora (black) - qoramtir (blackish), sariq (yellow) - sarg'ish (yellowish), qizil (red) - qizg'ish (reddish), yashil (green) - och yashil (greenish or light green). 

2. Strengthen adjectives vice versa, increase or strengthen the mark.

Examples: qora - qop-qora (very dark black), tim qora (strong black); oq - oppoq (very white or strong white), ko'k (blue) - ko'm-ko'k (strong/dark blue), tekis (smooth) - tep-tekis (very flat), yumaloq (round) - yum-yumaloq (very/even round), katta (big) - kap-katta (big enough), yolg'on (lie) - g'irt yolg'on (completely lie), ho'l (wet) - jiqqa ho'l (very wet), sariq (yellow) - sap-sariq (yellowish).

Here now continue audio lessons with Adjectives 2, part two adjectives in Uzbek. 
Same list of adjectives like we had in Adjectives 1, only now we see them in short Uzbek sentences. 

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the channel.

NOTE: from this lessons I try to include Uzbek transcripts of the audio in ID tag which is viewable from most audio players. In iPad you can push middle button until you see text and then you can scroll through lyrics. In Android phones native player usually shows the lyrics by default. As an example see picture:

uzbek adjectives, audio lyrics for uzbek audio lessons

Really hope it works, let me know if there is any issues

Video version with transcripts. For those who like to watch.

I hope you enjoy the lesson, please let me know if you have any questions!
You can also use forum for questions and answers so that someone else with similar question might find the answer for their questions. Feel free to contribute, add your answers or just share opinion.

Thank you and see you in next lesson.

Don't forget to practe!

Uzbek grammar lessons - Adjectives 2
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on August 30 2013
Rating: 4.8

August 27, 2013

Memrise - Uzbek Learning tool

Assalomu alaykum,

Quick tips, remember when we talked about Anki tool that can help you to learn vocabulary in Uzbek?!
memrise uzbek, learn uzbek language in memrise, uzbek language tips

Few days back I find out about Memrise (memory rise) language learning tool. And I think it is kinda fun to test new tools and use them to learn Uzbek or any other language.

Number of lessons in Uzbek is limited, but you can get started with Everyday Uzbek, perhaps we will create more interesting levels with different topics. In future, we will expand this course and possibly create new ones. Join course and start planting... :)

Memrise even has app for smartphones (Apple devices, Android devices) where you can even make lessons available for offline use. App can download entire course and let you practice offline.

After you start learning you kinda start planting plants, and every now and then tool asks you to water plants (review what you have learned earlier) to refresh memory and learn for long terms.

Practice and see if tool helps you to stay motivated!


Memrise - Uzbek Learning tool
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on August 27 2013
Rating: 4.5

August 24, 2013

About Samarkand Bread

Assalomu alaykum,

If you travel to Uzbekistan, you must try Samarkand bread (Samarqand noni). As one says, even with bakers from Samarkand tried to bake bread in other parts of the country, couldn't get same taste and flavor. That is why it is only made in Samarkand with its water, air and ancient wisdom.

Whenever I travel to my home Bukhara, train pass by Samarkand, and we get a chance to take some of these yummy breads. hmm I miss the taste of Uzbek bread...

Have you had a pleasure of tasting Samarkand bread? Share your experience...


About Samarkand Bread
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on August 24 2013
Rating: 4.9

August 21, 2013

Quiz: Uzbek Adjectives, part 1

Assalomu alaykum,

Today I have prepared quiz about Adjectives, that we learned in last post.

quiz in uzbek adjectives, uzbek adjectives quiz

I hope you had time to review it, Adjectives in Uzbek. If not, please do so before you start this quiz.

You can also find and download audio from previous lesson and practice on go anytime, anywhere. Subscribe to Youtube channel, follow on SoundCloud to not miss any audio and video lessons.

Omad, Ko'rishguncha! (good luck and see you in next lesson)

Quiz: Adjectives, part 1
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on August 21 2013
Rating: 4.3

August 18, 2013

Uzbek grammar lessons - Adjectives 1

Assalomu alaykum,

Today we learn adjectives in Uzbek, part one. 

Adjectives describe marks of the subjects and objects. Words that answer questions like "How?", "What kind?"(Qanday?), "Which kind?" (Qanaqa), "Which?" (Qaysi) is also considered to be adjectives.

Adjective has following types with respect to their meaning:
  • specific characteristics meaning
yaxshi-good, yomon-bad, aqlli-smart, sergak-alert, so‘zamol-fluent, yoqimtoy-pleasant, odobli-wellbehaved, chaqqon-quickly, sun'iy-artificial, tabiiy-natural, ajoyib-wonderful!

  • state meaning
go‘zal-beautiful, erkin-freely, suluv-pretty, cho‘loq-lame, cho‘tir-pitted, soqov-dumb, kar-deaf, ko‘r-blind, sovuq-cold, tinch-peaceful, yangi-new, boy-rich

  • color and appearance meaning
oq-white, qora-black, sariq-yellow, kul rang-gray, qizil-red, ko'k-blue

  • shape and view meaning
yapaloq-flat, tekis-smooth, dumaloq-round, qiyshiq-twisted, do'ng-hilly

  • distance, dimension and size meaning
keng-wide, tor-narrow, chuqur-deep, katta-big, kichik-small, uzun-long

  • taste, flavor meaning
shirin-sweet, achchiq-chilly, nordon-sour, sho‘r-salty, mazali-tasty

  • smell meaning
xushbo'y-aromatic, sassiq-stinky, muattar-fragrant, qo‘lansa-disgusting

  • weight meaning
og‘ir-heavy, yengil-light

  • position and moment relationship meaning
yozgi-summertime, qishki-wintertime, avvalgi-previous, dastlabki-initial, kechki-evening time, tashqi-external, ichki-internal, quyidagi-following

And now we have audio section for Uzbek Adjectives, part 1.

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the channel.

Follows vocabulary list for above audio...

Adjectives 1
an old lady qari ayol
a curious lady qiziqqon ayol
a new car yangi avtomobil
a fast car tez-yurar avtomobil
a comfortable car shinam avtomobil
a blue dress ko'k ko'ylak
a red dress qizil ko'ylak
a green dress yashil ko'ylak
a black bag qora sumka
a brown bag jigar sumka
a white bag oq sumka
nice people yaxshi kishilar
polite people xushmuomala kishilar
interesting people qiziqarli kishilar
loving children sevimli bolalar
cheeky children qo'pol or sho'x bolalar
well-behaved children odobli bolalar

And Youtube video with vocabulary/transcription included...

I hope you will enjoy this lesson, note that this is not everything about Adjectives in Uzbek Language, we will cover some parts in the following posts. Stay tuned! Meanwhile don't forget to practice and leave your comments and questions below!


Uzbek grammar lessons - Adjectives 1
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on August 18 2013
Rating: 5

August 17, 2013

Learn Uzbek audio (playlist)

Assalomu alaykum,

Audio/Video playlist of all uploads that we have in our Youtube channel. Perhaps some of you have "Weekend Learning Practice".

Let's practice! Coming up, Grammar lesson in Adjectives. Also notice that there has been updated pages (Contact Me, Become guest and Forum). Let me know what do you think about these pages and hope it help us to get in touch!

Ko'rishguncha va Omad (See you and Good luck)

Learn Uzbek audio (playlist)
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on August 17 2013
Rating: 4.9

August 11, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Countries and languages

Assalomu alaykum,

Past week I have been working to make video version of the Getting to know others and At school audio lessons. And instead of making separate post about them I have updated same posts. You can review them in the same post by going from above links.
This video transcripts are really great for those who are fun of watching Youtube videos like myself. :)

Today, new audio lessons titled: Countries and Languages in Uzbek with audio as well as video versions.

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the channel. And Youtube video version

Now that we made 5 audio lessons in Uzbek, keep an eye on next lessons, it will be more about grammars and quizzes...

Don't hesitate to post questions below in the comments and don't forget to practice! :)


Uzbek audio lessons - Countries and languages
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson August 11 2013
Rating: 4.7

August 1, 2013

Uzbek video lessons - Family members

Assalomu alaykum,

This is the video version of earlier audio about Family Members in Uzbek.

We had video about family back in the year of 2012, but this video has some part that are missing.
I hope you will get something out of it!

This is the other video lessons about family members...

Good luck! and Thank you for watching! Do not forget to practice!

Uzbek video lessons - Family members
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson August 01 2013
Rating: 4.3

July 26, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - At school

Assalomu alaykum,

This is fourth short phrases/audio lesson titled "At school".

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the channel.
After one more audio lessons like this, there will be video version of them in Youtube channel, where you can watch and follow transcript of these phrases. To stay up to date, subscribe to the Uzbek language channel.

Note that you can also download audio file and listen from your phone or mp3 player and practice while on go.
Update: Youtube video version is also available here

Let me know if you any questions by commenting below.

Omad, keyingi darsda ko'rishguncha...

Uzbek audio lessons - At school
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson July 26 2013
Rating: 4.4

July 22, 2013

Uzbek video lessons - People

Assalomu alaykum,

Couple post earlier we have started new row of audio lessons, and this video gives transcript of the first audio lesson.

Subscribe to our video channel on Youtube where you can be up to date with recent lessons and uploads.

Well, let me know what do you think!

Omad va keyingi darsda ko'rishguncha! (Good luck and see you in next lesson!)

Uzbek video lessons - People
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson July 22 2013
Rating: 4.5

Uzbek Glossary

Assalomu alaykum,

There is a website: where you can find good explanation of the words their usage in sentences, type, etc. and this vocabulary list of Uzbek language is the one of the best I have seen on the web.

This glossary can be accessed as txt file, here and one can review and read, NOTE: author acknowledge that there are many errors, omissions, and other imperfections.

I hope you can use it whenever you learn new word, or just to explore new words. Also check out other web resources.



Uzbek Glossary
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson July 22 2013
Rating: 4.9

July 17, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Getting to know others

Assalomu alaykum,

Today's short audio is about Getting to know others. As always wish you luck in learning process and let me know if you have any difficulty to catch the phrases or anything else.

Listen, Download and practice...

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the channel.

Instead of making another post with video transcript, I decided to update this post. So here we go, video version for people who like watching and learning.

Please do practice, frequently...

Until next time!

Uzbek audio lessons - Getting to know others
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson July 17 2013
Rating: 4.7

July 13, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - Family members

Assalomu alaykum,

In previous post We have started new series of the audio lessons. So here we are continuing, today with 2nd track. Family members, short vocabulary/phrases, 2+ minutes.

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the blog.

Listen, learn new words, sentences, download and practice!

Omad / Good luck!


Uzbek audio lessons - Family members
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson July 13 2013
Rating: 4.1

July 11, 2013

Uzbek audio lessons - People

Assalomu alaykum,
Here comes another short phrasebook titled People.
Sorry for background noise if you notice it much.

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the Blog.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions, or if you find it confusing or any mistakes let me know.

UPDATE: As you may have noticed this audio much shorter to be called as phrasebook so I renamed it. In future this kind of short audios can be used as vocabulary and phrase as well as grammar learning. And I am hoping to be more frequent on this type of lessons, as i hope it is easy to learn and practice. Let me know what do you think?!


Uzbek audio lessons - People
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson July 11 2013
Rating: 4.8

June 16, 2013

Quiz: Elementary Vocabulary

Assalomu alaykum,

Quiz in Uzbek language, Learn Uzbek with quiz!

Review and memorize:

Have a fun learning! Good luck (Omad)

Ko'rishguncha (Until the next time)

Quiz: Elementary Vocabulary
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson June 16 2013
Rating: 3.9

May 20, 2013

Uzbek Phrasebook v3.0 (audio) - Travelers pack

Assalomu alaykum,

After long break, I decided to make yet another phrasebook. Subject of this phrasebook is Travel.
Whether you travel or not, I think there is some essential phrases which will help you communicate and find your way around.

Basic Uzbek for travelers
yes / no ha / yo'q
please / thanks iltimos / rahmat
You are welcome! (for a favor) Arzimaydi!
Excuse me Kechirasiz
left / right chap / o'ng
Turn left / Turn right Chapga buriling / O'ngga buriling
Go straight ahead! To'g'riga yuravering!
Stop! / Don't stop! To'xtang! / To'xtamang!
downstairs / upstairs pastgi qavat / yuqorigi qavat
Help Yordam
Look out Ehtiyot bo'ling
I don't understand Tushunmadim
I can't speak Uzbek (well). Men Uzbekcha (yaxshi) gaplashmayman.
Do you speak English? Siz inglizcha gaplashasizmi?
Is there someone who speaks English? Inglizcha gapiradiganlar bormi?
Where is the restroom/toilets? Hojatxona qayerda?
Excuse me, Where is the ticket office? Kechirasiz, Kassa qayerda?
Where can I buy a ticket? Qayerdan bilet olsam bo'ladi?
I want to go to ... Men ...-ga bormoqchiman.
I want a ticket to ... Men ...-ga bilet olmoqchiman.
I would like a one-way ticket (a round-trip). Borish bileti(Borish-kelish bileti)-ni olmoqchiman.
Do I pay in dollars or in sum? Dollar bilan to'laymanmi, so'm bilanmi?
You must pay in sum. So'm bilan to'lash kerak.
You can pay in either. Farqi yo'q.
Can I reserve a place? Bir joyni buyurtma qilsam bo'ladimi?
How long does the trip take? Necha soatda boramiz?
Is it a direct route? To'xtamasdan boradimi?
taxi taksi
Where can I get a taxi? Qayerda taksiga chiqsam bo'ladi?
Please could you get me a taxi? Menga taksi chaqirib bering, iltimos?
Can you take me to ...? ...-ga borasizmi?
Please take me to ... Meni ...-ga oboring.
How much will it cost to ...? ...-ga qancha bo'ladi?
To this address, please! Shu adresga oborib qo'ying, iltimos!
I am in hurry! Shoshyapman!
Please drive more slowly! Sekinroq haydang, iltimos!
Stop the car, I want to get out. To'xtativoring, men tushaman.
These are my bags. Mana mening sumkalarim.
Please wait here! Shu yerda kutib turing, iltimos!
Entrance / Exit Kirish / Chiqish
Ladies / Gents Ayollar / Erkaklar
Open / Closed Ochiq / Yopiq

Tried to cover most general phrases, please do let me know if there is anything missing, mistakes, want addition, etc.

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the Blog. In the upcoming lesson, I hope to merge all this audios together to one video with list of phrases. As always I hope you get something out of this lesson.


Uzbek Phrasebook v3.0 (audio) - Travelers pack
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson May 20 2013
Rating: 5