September 21, 2013

Uzbek grammar lessons - Adjectives 3

Assalomu alaykum,

This is part 3 of Adjectives in Uzbek language. If you have not reviewed previous lessons about Adjectives in Uzbek, please follow part 1 and part 2 grammar lessons.
"Did you know? During XV - XVI centuries the Great Silk Road passed through cities Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shash (Tashkent) and Fergana valley of Uzbekistan, trading horses, carpets, linen and woolen fabrics, semiprecious stones."
- advantour

September 12, 2013

Welcome to Guest Posts (Mehmonimiz bo'ling)

Assalomu alaykum,

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"Did you know? Prior 1922, Uzbek was written in Latin script, but after Sovet Union invasion, it was changed to Cyrillic script until 1991. Now Uzbek is officially written in Latin again."
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We have number of planned Uzbek guests! Stay in touch!

Ko'rishguncha! See you!

September 7, 2013

Uzbek Story: How fox made fool of lion!

Assalomu alaykum,

Today's Uzbek lesson is for advanced and intermediate language level students. But I hope beginners will also learn some vocabulary. Story/tale is about "how fox made fool of lion".
"Did you know? O'zbek means independent or the lord itself (O'ziga bek), from O'z (self) and Bek/Bey/Beg (noble)."
- Wikipedia
Note that there will not be translated version of the story, please listen and try to understand meaning of the story. First please read the story and then listen, then listen and read, at the end we will have some vocabulary. Good luck!

Tulkining sherni laqillatgani. (How fox made fool of lion.)

Bir kuni tulki kechki payt qorni ochganini sezib, uyasidan chiqibtida, yegulik biror narsa topish uchun o'rmonga yo'l olibdi. Rosa charchab tinka madori quriguncha yuribdi. Lekin arzigulik biron nima topolmabdi.

Tulki kechadan beri tuz totmaganini eslab, mazali ovqatlardan benasib qilgan sherdan xafa bo'libdi. Kuni kecha u o'rmonga yaqin bir qishloqqa kirib borib bir g'ozni xalqumidan endi tishlab olib, qochmoqchi bo'lib turganida, to'satdan sherni o'kirganini eshitib qolgan ekan. Shunda tulki g'ozni tashlab qochib qolgan ekan. Agar o'sha sher bolmaganida mazza qilib ovqatlangan bo'larkan. G'azab tulkini aql xushini olib qo'yibdi.

U yo'lni ham pisand qilmay ketayotgan ekan, to'satdan, oldidan sher chiqib qolibdi. Tulki qo'rqib ketibdi. Vujudini titroq bosibdi. Lekin shunday bo'lsa ham o'zini bosib
-"Hoy sher, tezroq qochib qol hozir bo'ron ko'tariladi", debdi.
-"Men juda og'irman uncha buncha bo'ron menga pisand emas", debdi sher.
-"Qanday qilasan axir shamol juda qattiq bo'ladiku"
-"Yerga yotib olaman"
-"Bu tadbiring yordam bermaydi. Seni bo'ron uchirib ketadi"
-"Men daraxtga mahkam yopishib olaman"
-"Shamol beto'xtov ber necha kun davom etadi. Shuncha kungacha daraxtni quchoqlab tura olmaysanku axir"
Shunda sherni o'takasi yorilib,
-"Unday bo'lsa ayt nima qilay", deb o'kiribdi.
-"Kel men seni daraxtga bog'lab qo'yaman. Shunda har qanday shamol ham senga bexavotir bo'ladi", debdi tulki.
-"Voy, ajoyib fikr"!
rozi bo'libdi sher. Tulki sherni daraxtga bog'labtida o'zi sal naridagi qamishzorga kirib o'tiribdi.
-"Nega endi sen bo'rondan saqlanish uchun bironta panaroq joy qidirmayapsan", deb so'rabdi sher.
-"Hmmm, nega desang hech qanaqa bo'ron bo'lmaydi", xotirjam javob beribdi tulki.
Sherni g'azabiga qaynab ketib qattiq bo'kiribti. Shu zahoti har xil hayvonlar yig'ilib kelishibdi. Ular daraxtga bog'lab qo'yilgan sherni va uni yonida xotirjam o'tirgan tulkini ko'rib hayron bo'lishibdida bu voqeaning tafsilotini so'rashibdi.
-"Kecha kechqurun ovqatdan benasib qilgani uchun uni men bog'lab qo'ydim. Bu voqea hammangizga ibrat bo'lishi kerak. U kuchsizlarga hamla qilishdan o'zini tiysin", deya tushuntira ketibdi tulki.
Shunday qilib tulki ularni oldidan viqor bilan qaddini g'oz tutib hech kimni pisand qilmay o'tib boribdi. Hamma hayvonlar undan qo'rqanlaridan ehtirom bilan ta'zim qilib kuzatib qolibdilar.

Download the MP3 and Please subscribe to the channel.
Audio is taken from ziyouz website. Some rights reserved.

Vocabulary list
tulki fox
sher lion
g'oz goose
ovqat meal/food
yegulik food
mazali delicious
benasib deprived of
o'rmon wood/forest
qishloq village
to'satdan suddenly
o'kirmoq bark/howl
qochib qolmoq run away
g'azab anger/fury
pisand qilmoq disregard/ignore
bo'ron storm
og'ir heavy
shamol wind
yer ground
tadbir course of action
daraxt tree
beto'xtov nonstop
quchoqlamoq hug
bog'lamoq bind/fasten
qamishzor reeded field
tafsilot detailed explanation
ibrat example, lesson
viqor dignity, proud
ehtirom respect
ta'zim bow

Please let me know if you have questions! If necessary we can translate the text in later lessons. I hope you understand the meaning of the story. Don't hesitate to ask, any vocabulary questions as well.

I hope you enjoy the lesson!

Ko'rishguncha! (see you)

Uzbek Story: How fox made fool of lion!
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on September 07 2013
Rating: 5

September 4, 2013

Quiz: Uzbek Adjectives, part 2

Assalomu alaykum,

Here is the quiz for Uzbek Adjectives part 2. Please review lesson before you start this quiz.
uzbek adjectives, quiz in uzbek adjectives

Try until you get 100% correct answers... Good luck!

  1. I am wearing a blue dress. - Men _______ ko'ylak kiyayapman.
  2. oqko'kyashilqora

  3. I am buying a brown bag. - Men ________ sumka sotib olyapman.
  4. yashilko'kjigarqora

  5. I need a new car. - Men ______ avtomobilga muhtojman.
  6. eskitez-yurarshinamyangi

  7. Curious lady lives below. - _________ ayol pastda yashaydi.
  8. QiziqqonQariChiroyliQiziqarli

  9. Our guests were polite people. - Mehmonlarimiz _________ kishilar edi.
  10. yaxshiodoblixushmuomala

  11. I have lovely children. - Mening ___________ bolalarim bor.
  12. sevimlisho'xodobli

  13. I want comfortable car. - Men _______ avtomobil xohlayman.
  14. yangishinamtez-yurar

  15. I am buying a black bag. - Men _______ sumka sotib olyapman.
  16. qoraoqko'k

  17. I am buying red dress. - Men _______ ko'ylak sotib olyapman.
  18. jigaroqqizilyashil

  19. well-behaved children - _________ bolalar
  20. odoblisho'xqo'polsevimli

Let me know if you have any quesionts!

See you soon! Tez orada ko'rishguncha!

Quiz: Uzbek Adjectives, part 2
Last Reviewed by UzbekClass on September 04 2013
Rating: 4.6