March 18, 2012

Time - Learn Uzbek Language


Today, we learn time (time of day) in Uzbek language. I made a video and after watching video few times, you can go on and check what you have learned. I think you will enjoy from this lesson as much as I enjoy making it. Have fun!

Exercise Set: (tend to make you remember longer, please remember, repetition matters a lot) 

Translate this: < click on this button afterwards to find out the correct answer
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:
Translate this:
Your answer:

Here is the list of words:

English O'zbekcha
Sunday Yakshanba
Monday Dushanba
Tuesday Seshanba
Wednesday Chorshanba
Thursday Payshanba
Friday Juma
Saturday Shanba
Yesterday Kecha
Today Bugun
Tomorrow Ertaga
Day Kun
Night Tun
Week Hafta
Month Oy
Year Yil
Second Lahza
Minute Daqiqa
Hour Soat
Morning Ertalab/Tong
Evening Kechqurun
Noon Tushlik
Afternoon Tushlikdan so'ng
Midnight Yarim kecha/tun
Now Hozir
Later Keyinroq

Did I miss something? Please let me know, your favorite parts and what would you want to learn for the next lesson, in the comments.

Ko'rishguncha, (see you)

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Time - Learn Uzbek Language
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson March 18 2012
Rating: 4.8

Great Introduction - Learn Uzbek Language

Assalomu alaykum,

I found ikindalikelanguages concept interesting... Go ahead and check their website, learn basics of Uzbek language, play with it. I really think it is good and quick start. In the coming lessons I do similar posts along with pronunciation.

What do you think?

Hope you will like it!

Ko'rishguncha, (See you)

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Great Introduction - Learn Uzbek Language
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson March 18 2012
Rating: 4.3

March 3, 2012

Uzbek TV - Learn Uzbek Language

Hi all,

Here is the Uzbek TV in uzbek language for 24/7. Listen/Watch and Learn/Practice!

Watch live streaming video from uzbektv at


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Uzbek TV - Learn Uzbek Language
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson March 03 2012
Rating: 4